Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two donkeys

Two donkeys I met along the way
One Simon, one Rinda
Servants of God, I say

Who walked along with me some days
They watched and listened
And helped me find my place

At Papa's side & under His gaze
I thank You Lord for donkeys who
Are so full of Your grace!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


These words were inspired from a silent retreat which I attended recently over the Easter weekend at the Nest.

Make me your sheepdog Lord
Train me in Your ways
Let me hear Your every call
And see You face to face

Make me your sheepdog Lord
And help me to obey
Regardless of the circumstance
In everything You say

Make me your sheepdog Lord
O that I might be
Ever attentive and responsive
Only God to Thee

Make me your sheepdog Lord
And use me as You will
To herd the sheep You've lost
To pasture that will thrill

Make me your sheepdog Lord
As one who knows no fear
To climb the heights and plunge the depths
With the Shepherd I hold so dear

(picture of border collie taken from Wikipedia)

Pouring out of nard

I was inspired by the story of Mary pouring pure nard on Jesus in John 12:1-6

Lord I pour out my nard on you
Please take me as I am
The strong, the weak, the good, the bad
A sacrifice to the Lamb

Lord I pour out my nard on you
I don't have much to give
The whole, the broken, the Mary, the Judas
Please accept them as a gift

Lord I pour out my nard on you
I owe you a great debt
Your cross, Your tomb, the empty grave
Brought death and life resurrect

Lord I pour out my nard on you
Take these spices, make them new
The bitter, the sweet, the sour, the salt
Make me a fresh work in You

(picture of spikenard, ingredient of nard, taken from Wikipedia)